Effective Date: 8-AUGUST-2023

1.    Introduction and Scope

Tajnes means “Tajnes Business Management Est.” (hereinafter referred to as “Tajnes”). Tajnes is licensed by the Dubai Economic Department. These terms and conditions apply to all websites owned or operated by Tajnes, as well as Quotations including additional terms and conditions applicable to specific services provided by Tajnes. If you do not agree to these website terms and conditions, then you may not use our service.


2. Agreement and Acceptance

These Terms of Business govern the business relationship between Tajnes Business Management Est. (“Tajnes”) and its clients (“Client”). By entering into an agreement with Tajnes, the Client accepts these Terms of Business in full. These Terms of Business form an integral part of any agreement concluded between the Client and Tajnes, whether through an online order or a paper form (“Agreement”), pdf sent officially. Any Terms of Business which deviate from, contradict, or supplement these Terms of Business shall not become a part of any Agreement unless specifically agreed in writing between the Client and Tajnes. In the event of any conflict between these Terms of Business and any Agreement, the provisions of the Agreement shall prevail. Tajnes reserves the right to change the Terms and Conditions at any time with immediate effect.

3. Definition of Client

For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, the term “Client” includes both companies and individual persons who engage with Tajnes for the provision of services. All references to “Client” in this document apply equally to companies and individual clients.

4. Modifications to Terms

Tajnes reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time, and such modifications will become effective immediately upon publication on Tajnes’s website or through other communication channels deemed appropriate by Tajnes. The Client acknowledges that it is their responsibility to regularly review the Terms and Conditions for any changes. Any use of Tajnes’s services after such modifications have been made constitutes acceptance of the modified terms. These modifications are legally binding under the laws of the United Arab Emirates, and Clients agree to be bound by these changes without further notice.

5. Scope of Services

Tajnes provides services for the incorporation and management of companies in specified jurisdictions, as listed on our website, Tajnes.com. Additionally, Tajnes may offer related services such as nominee directors, nominee shareholders, internet merchant accounts, company logos, company seals, company rubber stamps, powers of attorney, and notarization of documents through affiliated companies or third parties. Affiliated companies refer to a subsidiary.

6. Client Obligations

The Client agrees to provide all necessary information and documentation required by Tajnes to comply with applicable anti-money laundering and due diligence laws. The Client warrants that all information provided is accurate and up-to-date and acknowledges that failure to provide such information may result in the suspension or termination of services. The Client also agrees to maintain up-to-date records and promptly inform Tajnes of any changes in the beneficial ownership, shareholding, or officers of the company. The Client is fully responsible for the accuracy of the information provided in the Know Your Customer (KYC) process. If Tajnes is unaware of the source of the funds, Tajnes shall not hold any responsibility; it is the Client’s responsibility to provide all necessary information.

7. Quotation as Official Agreement

The Client acknowledges that any quotation provided by Tajnes constitutes an official agreement upon acceptance. By accepting a quotation, the Client agrees to the terms and conditions outlined therein and in this document.

8. Fees and Payment Terms

The Client agrees to pay the fees as outlined in the quotation provided by Tajnes. All fees are non-refundable and must be paid in full prior to the commencement of services. Any additional costs incurred, including government fees, taxes, and third-party expenses, are the responsibility of the Client. Clients must also adhere to the specified payment conditions, including penalties for late payments and renewal fees. Payments must be made in UAE Dirhams (AED). Tajnes is not liable for any losses incurred due to counterfeit or fraudulent currency provided by the Client. Once payment is made, the Client has no right to request a refund or cancel the service. Any misuse or fraudulent act of the client Tajnes has rights to refuse the service without refunding any amount.

9. Payment through Official Tajnes Business Account

All payments for services must be made through Tajnes’s official business account as specified in the invoice provided. Clients must confirm the payment details with Tajnes directly before transferring funds. Tajnes is not responsible for any losses or issues arising from payments made to incorrect or unauthorized accounts.

10. Payment via Payment Link

For convenience, Tajnes may provide payment links through network companies or third-party payment providers. Payments made via such links are considered official and will be processed as per the terms specified by the network company. Before making a payment, Clients must confirm that the payment link is provided by Tajnes and is valid. Tajnes is not liable for any issues or discrepancies arising from payments made through unauthorized or fraudulent links. Payments will only be considered valid if they are reflected in Tajnes’s official profile.

11. Payment via POS Machine

Clients may make payments using a POS machine provided by Tajnes. All payments made via POS machine must be processed through the official Tajnes POS machine. Payments processed through any other POS machine will not be recognized by Tajnes, and Tajnes will not be liable for any issues arising from such unauthorized transactions. Clients must verify that the POS machine is operated by an authorized Tajnes representative before making any payment.

12. Liability and Disclaimers

Tajnes, its directors, employees, or agents shall not be liable for any loss or damage incurred by the Client, except in cases of gross negligence or fraud. Tajnes is not responsible for the actions or omissions of third-party service providers, including banks and financial institutions. Damage resulting from the error, failure, negligence, act, or omission of any other person, system, institution, or payment infrastructure shall be borne by the Client. Tajnes is not responsible for postal services, telegraph, telex, facsimile, telephone, other means of communications or transportation, especially loss resulting from delay, misunderstanding, mutilation, or abuse by third parties. In the case of a Bank account opening, Tajnes acts as a third party and holds no responsibility for the relationship between the Bank and the Client. Tajnes shall not be held liable for any rejection of services by government authorities or any legal action taken against the Client by such authorities. Tajnes will not be liable for any loss of business, contracts, profits, or any other indirect or consequential loss due to service rejections by governmental authorities.

13. Non-Liability for Government Rejections

Tajnes shall not be held liable for any rejections or refusals of services by government authorities or any subsequent losses or damages incurred by the Client as a result. Clients acknowledge and agree that they are solely responsible for ensuring compliance with all relevant regulations and obtaining any necessary approvals or permits from government authorities. Tajnes provides assistance and advisory services only and does not guarantee the approval or success of any application or request submitted to any government authority.

14. Anti-Money Laundering Compliance

The Client must provide all necessary documentation and information required for Tajnes to comply with anti-money laundering regulations. This includes, but is not limited to, providing original certified copies of identity documents, proof of legal domicile, and any other relevant documents. Tajnes reserves the right to terminate services if the Client fails to provide the required information or if any information provided is found to be false or misleading. Tajnes shall not be liable for any anti-money laundering issues arising from false or misleading information provided by the Client. The Client is fully responsible for ensuring that their activities comply with anti-money laundering regulations and that no funds involved are derived from illegal activities. Tajnes does not hold responsibility for the source of funds if not provided by the Client.

15. Termination and Cancellation

Any Agreement shall be effective for the period stated therein and shall automatically renew for successive periods of equal length unless terminated by Tajnes. Without written notice prior to the end of the current term. Termination shall not affect any rights or liabilities accrued prior to termination. In cases of legal violations or breach of these Terms of Business by the Client, Tajnes reserves the right to terminate the Agreement immediately without notice. Some services end upon mentioned is the quotation as mentioned clearly on the quotation. Incase client wants new or additional services must engage with new quotation from Tajnes.

16. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United Arab Emirates, and any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Dubai, UAE.

17. Compliance with Laws

The Client agrees to comply with all applicable laws and regulations in the relevant jurisdictions, including but not limited to anti-money laundering, anti-bribery, and anti-corruption laws. The Client must ensure that all activities conducted through the services provided by Tajnes are legal and do not breach any local or international laws.

18. Confidentiality and Data Protection

Tajnes is committed to protecting the privacy of its clients and adheres to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other applicable data protection laws. The Client agrees to the collection, processing, and storage of personal data as described in Tajnes’s Privacy Policy. Processing includes operations such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, retrieval, consultation, adaptation, use, disclosure, alignment, restriction, erasure, or destruction of personal data. Recipients of the personal data may include Tajnes affiliated companies, registered agents, IT suppliers, financial providers, third-party service providers, public companies’ registries, or legal authorities, all in compliance with the GDPR. The Client must keep their personal data up to date and provide required supporting documents. Tajnes acts as the data controller, with affiliated companies or registered agents possibly acting as data processors. The Client has the right to withdraw consent to data processing, affecting only future processing. The Client ensures legal authorization for transferring personal data to Tajnes. Communication between the Client and Tajnes may involve software by third parties, and data security is a priority but cannot be guaranteed. Tajnes will take all reasonable steps to ensure that personal data is kept secure and is only used for legitimate business purposes. However, Tajnes shall not be liable for any loss of data or misuse of data resulting from unauthorized access by hackers or accidental sharing of data without Tajnes’s knowledge. Tajnes will not be held responsible for any issues arising from such incidents.

19. Non-Reliance on Legal Advice

While Tajnes endeavors to provide accurate and up-to-date information, it does not provide legal, tax, government laws or financial advice. Clients are advised to seek independent professional advice to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Tajnes shall not be liable for any losses or damages incurred due to reliance on information provided by Tajnes.

20. Intellectual Property

All intellectual property rights, including trademarks, service marks, logos, and copyrights, associated with Tajnes and its services, are the exclusive property of Tajnes. The Client is granted a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the intellectual property solely for the purpose of utilizing the services provided by Tajnes.

21. Force Majeure

Tajnes shall not be liable for any failure or delay in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement due to circumstances beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God, war, terrorism, strikes, natural disasters, or any other event of force majeure. In such cases, Tajnes will be relieved of its obligations under this Agreement to the extent affected by such events. Tajnes is not liable for any damages, losses, or other consequences arising from such events. If the Client does not accept this condition, they must discontinue the use of Tajnes’s services.

22. Severability

If any term or condition contained herein is found to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable under any applicable law, such term or condition shall be deemed to be deleted from these Terms and Conditions. The remaining terms and conditions shall continue in full force and effect.

23. No Defamation

The Client agrees not to defame, disparage, or otherwise harm the reputation of Tajnes, its directors, employees, or agents in any manner. Any breach of this clause may result in immediate termination of services and legal action by Tajnes to protect its reputation.


24. Assignment

The Client may not assign any of their rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of Tajnes.

25. Legal Purposes

The Client warrants that they will not use any of the rights granted in any Agreement for any illegal, obscene, immoral, or defamatory purposes and will not in any way bring Tajnes into disrepute. The Client will not use or combine the Tajnes name, in whole or in part, for the purpose of trading activities. Tajnes reserves the right to cooperate with any official investigating authority if required in relation to any allegations of impropriety against the Client.


26. Legal Incapacity

The Client shall bear the risk of any damage arising from any lack of legal capacity of their person, their attorneys, or other third parties, unless such incapacity has been communicated to Tajnes in writing.


27. Referrals and Affiliate Commissions

Tajnes may engage with referral or affiliate agents who bring clients to Tajnes. Such agents are only considered official affiliates or referral agents if they have a formal agreement with Tajnes. Tajnes is not liable for any misuse, false information, or any money taken by these agents without officially receiving documents and authorization from Tajnes. And the commissions are added on the total amount of the quotation and tajnes has the rights to refuse to the client if he/she wants to know about the commissions.

a)     Commission and Agreement:

                        I.         Referral or affiliate agents may receive a commission for clients they bring to Tajnes, but only if there is an official, written agreement in place with Tajnes specifying the terms of the commission and the scope of their engagement.

                      II.         Any commission due will be paid as per the terms outlined in the official agreement between Tajnes and the affiliate or referral agent.


b)    Liability:

                        I.         Tajnes is not liable for any actions taken by referral or affiliate agents without the knowledge and official consent of Tajnes. This includes, but is not limited to, the provision of false information, misrepresentation, or unauthorized collection of money from clients.

                      II.         Tajnes is not responsible for any losses or damages incurred by clients as a result of dealings with agents.

c)     Client Responsibility:

                        I.         Clients are advised to verify the authenticity of any referral or affiliate agent claiming to represent Tajnes by contacting Tajnes directly.

                      II.         Any payments made to referral or affiliate agents without confirmation from Tajnes are done at the client’s own risk, and Tajnes will not be liable for any resulting issues. As the terms of payments must be officially provided by tajnes.

d)    Termination of Affiliate Relationship:

                        I.         Tajnes reserves the right to terminate the relationship with any referral or affiliate agent at any time and without notice if they are found to be in breach of the agreement or engaging in activities detrimental to Tajnes or its clients.

                      II.         Upon termination, the referral or affiliate agent must cease all activities related to Tajnes and return any materials or documents belonging to Tajnes.

By engaging with Tajnes through a referral or affiliate agent, clients acknowledge and accept these terms. Clients are encouraged to contact Tajnes directly for any clarifications or concerns regarding referral and affiliate relationships.

28. Communication and Instructions

The Client and Tajnes may send instructions, notices, documents, or any other communication either by mail, e-mail, whatsapp or through Tajnes’s dedicated web portal. The Client and Tajnes shall keep all instructions, notices, documents, or any other communication as a matter of proof. Each communication shall be addressed if to Tajnes, at its registered office or such other address as Tajnes may by notice in writing notify to the Client from time to time, and if to the Client, at their address or such other address as the Client may by notice in writing notify to Tajnes from time to time, including holding mail instructions that shall be agreed upon in writing. The Client agrees to inform Tajnes immediately upon changing their address, e-mail address, or telephone/fax number. In the event the Client terminates all Tajnes services for one or several registered companies, any notice of termination served by email must be sent to info@tajnes.com.


29. No Liability for Website or Social Media Information

Tajnes does not accept any liability for any inaccuracies or omissions in the information provided on its website or social media platforms. The content on these platforms is provided for general informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as legal, tax, or regulatory advice.

Clients are responsible for verifying the accuracy and completeness of any information before relying on it, especially in relation to government regulations, laws, or tax matters. For official and legally binding information, Clients must refer to authorized channels such as official government publications or directly consult with qualified professionals.

Tajnes is not liable for any actions taken based on information obtained from its website or social media platforms, nor for any losses or damages arising from such reliance. The website and social media content are not regulated by any legal or regulatory authority and do not constitute a legally binding offer or advice.

30. Entire Agreement

These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between the Client and Tajnes regarding the subject matter hereof and supersede all prior agreements, understandings, and representations, written.

31. Contact Information

For any questions or concerns regarding these Terms and Conditions, please contact Tajnes at:

Tajnes Business Management Est.
Dubai, UAE
Email: info@Tajnes.com
Website: Tajnes.com